Holiday Mix & Match Panels and Projects
Mix & Match between 5 different Holiday-themed panels and 7 different digital patterns to make projects THE WAY YOU WANT TO! All of these projects feature 4" squares so that you can use our 4" pre-printed panels and easily complete your projects before the Holidays!
It's so easy to design your own project with our Mix & Match program:
- Step 1 - Pick a Panel set and purchase
- Step 2 - Pick a project and purchase (or use one from your library)
- Step 3 - Follow the instructions and make your cute project with our easy to use panels!
We want to see your projects! Post photos of your holiday panel projects to Facebook in our Sew Quilty Friends group or on Instagram and use hashtag #2024HolidayPanelChallenge .
Note to Members of The Art of Home Club: The digital patterns shown below are all included as part of your membership in The Art of Home Club. Just look in the "Block of the Month" section of the Club website or add the "Scandinavian Winter" Collection to your Library.